Elevating our Streetscapes

Flowers on Douglas is a volunteer-based beautification project. Launched in 2017, the initiative includes more than 200 meticulously crafted planter pots and hanging baskets adorning Wichita’s bustling Douglas Avenue. Sheriff of Flowers on Douglas Cindy Carnahan leads the effort in collaboration with Downtown Wichita, Hein Lawn and Landscaping and a group of master gardeners.

Learn more about Cindy Carnahan and how Flowers on Douglas is reshaping the vibrancy of downtown Wichita.


In April of 2017, more than 100 plantar pots along Douglas Avenue showcased flowers and greenery.

Project Expansion

In June of 2018, over 80 hanging baskets filled with cascading flowers were added to further enhance the beautiful foliage. Today there is more than 120 hanging baskets lining Douglas Avenue during the summer months.

Current Plantings

Today, the initiative has expanded to include 123 planter pots and 122 hanging baskets, filled with trailing vinca. The first planting typcially happens at the end of March, featuring pansies and cabbage, initiates the annual cycle which includes approximately 172 flats of flowers planted twice a year. The next planting of summer annuals takes place in early June.

Your Investment is Critical

Flowers on Douglas is a volunteer-based initiative with the purchase of plants supported by donations. In order to make this project a success and maintain the desired visual impact, your investment is critical.

Use the button below or checks can be made payable to "Flowers on Douglas" and mailed to the following address:

The Carnahan Group
Attn: Cindy Carnahan
1551 Waterfront Suite 110
Wichita, KS 67206

Your contribution is tax deductible. View our Privacy and Refund Policy.