Traffic Route Updates

From construction to events, street closings are a visible reminder of a city on the move.

City of Wichita Public Works Projects

View full Department of Public Works & Utilities - Construction and Maintenance Projects report

View Wichita Street Closures

Report malfunctioning streetlights at; please include an address and pole number, if possible. As with any construction project, closures & detours may vary both in duration and location. Timeframes are tentative and subject to change. Please plan accordingly.

Major Traffic Impacts

Commerce and St. Francis, Waterman to Kellogg

Traffic Impact: Commerce is CLOSED south of Waterman. Lewis is closed at St. Francis. St. Francis is one lane southbound only from Waterman to Kellog.

Description: This project will reconstruct both Commerce and St. Francis Streets as two-way roadways with sidewalk, parking, and new pedestrian and vehicular connections between both streets. The project also includes water and drainage improvements. Aesthetic enhancements such as trees, benches, trash receptacles, bike racks, and public art components will also be constructed.

Estimated completion: 4th Quarter 2025

Downtown Two-Way Conversion

Traffic Impact: Lane closures may be encoutered throughout construction along Emporia, Topeka, English, Market and Main.

Description: This project will convert Emporia, Topeka, English, Market and Main to two-way travel. Project includes traffic signal modifications, asphalt overlay, and pavement markings.

Estimated completion: 2nd Quarter 2025