Downtown Wichita > Development > Plans & Research > Project Downtown
Continued Growth Founded Upon Proven Success
Since 2010, downtown’s development has been directed by a community vision known as Project Downtown. The master plan has provided an aspirational vision and deliberate strategies for public and private sector investment. Serving as a living document, this development blueprint has provided a framework to advance the economic vitality of Downtown. The returns have been remarkable with over $1.6 billion invested to date and a pipeline of projects totaling more than $760 million.
As we approach 2025, we are proud to see that our community delivered beyond the expectations set in 2010. Building upon the success of this Masterplan and visioning the next 10 years, Downtown Wichita and the Greater Wichita Partnership have begun the next steps to cast vision through 2035. We are committed to continually cultivate a vibrant, clean and safe core that increases quality of life and attracts talent well into the future.
Project Downtown: The Master Plan for Wichita
Project Downtown is a master plan – a blueprint for development of Wichita’s urban core. It builds upon the uniqueness of our community and it casts visions for the future. The plan focuses on key areas of our downtown, illustrating the potential we have as a community to grow. The community plan benefits the public and private sectors when making decisions, guiding strategic public investment so we, as a community, maximize private sector investment. Key to the plan's success is community engagement.
Project Downtown: The Master Plan for Wichita strives to achieve several key outcomes:
- connect and maximize the potential of areas including Old Town, INTRUST Bank Arena and the River Corridor;
- build upon previous downtown plans;
- provide specific action-oriented development strategies, including implementation plans; define the vision for Downtown;
- the initiatives will be based upon economic analysis and realities and the plan will maximize private sector investment and return on public sector investment.
- the plan will further solidify the identity of our city and community.
As a result of such planning, we can expect a number of outcomes:
- it will assist the community in retaining young people, families and jobs;
- it will increase tourism
- it will grow existing tax base revenues; and
- it will make Wichita competitive in regional, national and global markets.
Download Project Downtown and Appendix.
The success of 1989’s initial downtown development effort, sometimes called the RTKL plan, exceeded expectations. From there, a second series of downtown improvements, the River Corridor plan, took hold. After voters approved funding for a regional sports and entertainment arena, the Arena Neighborhood plan was designed to improve areas surrounding the arena site. Collectively, these three plans have built a strong foundation. Projects evolving from them continue to grow. With each new success, residents and visitors discover new ways to use and enjoy downtown Wichita. Project Downtown was built upon the frameworks of previous plans and progress, and was adopted by the Wichita City Council and Sedgwick County Commission in 2010.
The Downtown Master Plan was funded through a public/private partnership. The City of Wichita committed $175,000 and a FTA grant in the amount of $50,000. The Wichita Downtown Development Corporation committed $175,000 and made the commitment to raise additional private sector funds. The following is a list of private sector partners:
- City of Wichita
- Wichita Downtown Development Corporation
- 2009 WDDC Board of Directors
- Wichita Transit
- Cargill
- Fidelity Bank
- MarketPlace Properties
- Emprise Bank
- 2009 Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
- Visit Wichita - Convention & Visitors’ Bureau
- Professional Engineering Consultants
- Dondlinger Construction
- Adam Jones Law Firm
- Foulston Siefkin LLP
- Belford Electric
- Rock Island Enterprises
- Cole Consultants
- Builders Inc
- Athena Jewelry
- Casado-McKay
- Gossen Livingston Architects
- Hite Fanning & Honeyman LLP
- J.P. Weigand & Sons Inc.
- Morris Laing Evans Brock & Kennedy, Chtd.
- Northern Flyer Alliance
- Old Mill Tasty Shop
- Real Development
- Ruffin Properties
- Schaefer Johnson Cox Frey Architecture
- Sullivan Higdon Sink
- Sunflower Bank
- The Fiber Studio
- Trans Pacific Properties
- Westar Energy