Downtown Wichita empowers possibilities downtown by communicating new developments, exciting announcements and unique local events is key to furthering the vision outlined in Project Downtown: The Master Plan for Wichita. The Downtown Wichita organization employs a communications team that collaborates with both the public and private sector to create awareness for the district. In order to share all of the progress happening in the urban core, staff maintains the website, which is updated on a regular basis. The website features resources for developers, residents, visitors, businesses and more. In 2018, the site received a total of 223,846 pageviews. Using the downtown website, you can find your new home using the list of all residential properties, view a full list of local shops and restaurants, view an endless list of events and more. Marketing Downtown 3 9 D O W N T O W N Facebook Downtown Wichita 7K+ Page Likes Twitter @downtownwichita 15K+ Followers Instagram @downtownwichita 6K+ Followers YouTube Downtown Wichita 1,600+ Views Vimeo Downtown Wichita 3,200+ Views Follow Us MARKETING