b"PROJECTS COMPLETED M A Y 2 0 2 1 - M A Y 2 0 2 2Moka's Cafe (Delano Catalyst Site) Modig Machine Tool HeadquartersN/A $1.1 millionLocated between the Advanced Learning Library andThe building at 208 S. Commerce Street has been River Vista Apartments, this new coffee house adds to therenovated into the North American headquarters for growing density in the historic Delano District. The menuModig Machine Tool. The property showcases the newest includes cof fee, smoothies, burgers, sandwiches, saladstooling machines and is designed to host training events, and breakfast items. machine demonstrations and run time validation testing for customers.Arena Pointe Of f ice Building Emporia Street Two-Way ConversionN/A N/AThe building at 400 S. Emporia Street has been renovatedEmporia Street has been reconfigured from one-way to into of f ice space featuring wood f loors, exposed bricktwo-way between Second and Waterman Streets. Project walls, high ceilings and large windows. Amenities includeDowntown recognizes the need for two-way conversions private parking, an outdoor patio space and a key locationin order to create a safe, walkable environment for bikes directly across from the entrance to INTRUST Bank Arena. and pedestrians. This project improved traf f ic flow and created the ideal setting for ground-f loor retail.14"