b'View/download reports at downtownwichita.org/toolkitEconomic ResearchDowntown Wichita regularly engages market experts to update residential, hotel, commercial and retail data to provide timely, accurate information. Updated studies and market information provides lenders, investors and the public sector an accurate forecast of the market potential. Market research has proven valuable for developers, property owners and investors interested in Wichitas urban core. In 2021, theScan on your mobile deviceorganization contracted with three firms to conduct analyses for market-based to view data and sourcesprojections to determine how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the overall downtownmarket as well as the Riverfront Legacy Master planning area. The results of the three forecasts indicate strong opportunities for growth over the next seven to ten years. Economic firms include Zimmerman/Volk Associates for residential, W-ZHA for office and RCLCO for residential, office, retail and hotel, including a forecast focused on the Riverfront Legacy Master planning area.In addition to market-based research and specific planning initiatives, Downtown Wichita reports timely U.S. Census Data alongside local market information and trends. The information reported is intended to be a resource for those who own, develop, market or invest in real estate and to assist the public and private sectors with strategic investment decisions. Learn more and view sources at www.downtownwichita.org/toolkit or scan the QR code above on your mobile device.2021 Market Forecast HighlightsRESIDENTIAL OFFICE HOSPITALITYResidential forecast has increasedModerate/strong opportunity inAnalysis projects downtown could for downtowndowntown overall support additional hotel roomsZimmerman/Volk W-ZHARCLCO3,1013,724 units (over 7 years)515,000601,000 sq. ft. 235 keysRCLCO RCLCO Visit www.downtownwichita.org/toolkit 3,100 units (over 10 years) 572,000665,000 net new for additional information and sources or (806,000900,000 gross) scan the QR code above10'